Data collection techniques in the form of documentation that is accessing the video, listening, specify the data in the form of words, grouped according to the indicator permaslahan and enter data into the table of data processing. The data source in this research in the form of a large number of albums 18 tracks.

The research approach used is the sociology literature. The song is analyzed based on the theory of religiosity in the form of form of religious values, religious values function. These studies identify and interpret the lyrics of the song the Band Guardian. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Based on this formula, which became an issue in the study is how the form of religious values in the lyrics of the songs on the album the Band Guardian remember sholawat and album search for blessings, and how the function of religious values in the lyrics of the song the Band Guardian on the album remember sholawat and album search blessing. The purpose of this study was to describe the form and function of religious values in the lyrics of the songs on the album the Band Guardian remember sholawat and album search blessing. Investigators felt the need to examine the messages of religious values that reach to the community through religious form and function. Religious values are the values of life, reflecting the growing religious life that become important guidelines of behavior in accordance with the rules of religion to achieve prosperity and the happiness of living in the world and the hereafter.

Undergraduate (S1) thesis, University of Muhammadiyah Malang.įull text not available from this repository. ANALISIS NILAI-NILAI RELIGI DALAM SYAIR LAGU WALI BAND PADA ALBUM INGAT SHOLAWAT DAN ALBUM CARI BERKAH.