Import the remaining FBX files into your Play List, then 'Add All to Perform'. 8) Go to the Animations (hit 'M' to shortcut there). 7) In the Presets, select MayaHuman-IK, then 'Activate' and keep the 00_Tpose option selected, and Convert. Go to the Character Options (You can hit 'N' to shortcut there), and convert to Non-Standard. 6) Using the iClone 3DXchange Pipleline, import the main FBX file (e.g.

Save to Assets, Download, and unzip into a folder. 5) Find some animations (I choose the Melee Combat Pack, which contains a series of sword wielding animations). You do want the Standard Skeleton, which gives you the most bones.

You can also enabled Shape Blends, but I don't think that matters. Select the 'Standard Skeleton', which should be default. The Mixamo algorithm will auto-rig the character. 4) Once uploaded, you will be connected to the Mixamo website. 3) Upload the character using the 'Save to Mixamo' option on the upper right corner. You can save time by right-clicking on a piece, and selecting the matching components. 2) In Adobe Fuse, piece together standard character (I chose the base male). 1) Create an Adobe account (free), and download Adobe Fuse. You can do this using the free auto-rigger on their website, but Adobe Fuse characters are set up better, so you don't have to clean up the imported animations afterward. Greetings, This is a brief tutorial on how to bring Mixamo's animations into iClone using Adobe Fuse.